To: Representatives of the EFCE Member Societies, Executive Board members, Working Party and Section Chairs
Dear colleague,
The President of the EFCE is elected according to a procedure described in EFCE statute 5.1. The current President, Professor Richard Darton, will have completed his second term of office on 31st December 2013, and under the statute is not eligible for re-election, since by then he will have served two terms.
It is therefore required that the Executive Board make a proposal for a new President to take office from 1st January 2014, to the General Assembly which will meet for this election and other purposes in the Hague prior to ECCE9 in April 2013.
We are therefore currently asking for nominations of suitable candidates, who can be considered by the Board. It is required, according to the statute that the President shall have experience of Federation activities. You will be aware of the responsibilities of the President (given in the statute), which include chairing meetings and representing the Federation.
If you know of a suitable candidate, we would be pleased to hear from you, by email or other communication sent to Ines Honndorf at the EFCE Frankfurt office. You need not consult the candidate to check his/her willingness to accept the presidency if offered, but please do consider the requirement and responsibilities carefully. All nominations will be considered in confidence, though any candidate to be considered by the Board will be approached to confirm his/her agreement to stand.
Candidates will be considered by the Management Committee at a meeting in February, prior to a proposal being considered by the Executive Board for presentation to the General Assembly.
The Executive Vice-President, Dr Wridzer Bakker, will also demit office on 31st December 2013, similarly having completed two terms of two years, whereby he also is not eligible for re-election, under statute 5.3.
The procedure for appointing a successor to Dr Bakker are identical to those for the President. The Executive Vice-President is required to have experience of Federation activities, and his/her duties are given in statute 5.3 but include acting as Treasurer.
If you know of a suitable candidate for Executive Vice-President, we would be pleased to hear from you, by email or other communication sent to Ines Honndorf at the EFCE Frankfurt office. You need not consult the candidate to check his/her willingness to accept the vice-presidency if offered, but please do consider the requirement and responsibilities carefully. All nominations will be considered in confidence, though any candidate to be considered by the Board will be approached to confirm his/her agreement to stand.
Nominations for President or Vice-President must be received at the Frankfurt office by 5pm on Thursday, 31st January 2013.
With the compliments of the season.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. W. Meier I. Honndorf
Ines Honndorf
European Federation of Chemical Engineering
Frankfurt Office of the General Secretariat
c/o DECHEMA e.V.
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)69 7564-209
Fax.: +49 (0)69 7564-299
Vorsitzender: Dr. Hans Juergen Wernicke
Schatzmeisterin: Almuth Poetz
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Prof. Dr. Kurt Wagemann
VR-Nr.: 73 VR 5293
Steuer-Nr.: 045 250 52084
USt.-Id.-Nr.: DE 114234833
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